Foresight for Communities

Solutions. offers foresight tools and facilitation for large and complex communities which aim to explore various scenarios or topics for 5-10 years timelines. This service is suited for companies & organizations operating with different stakeholders, including large business & civic associations, conference organizers and public authorities.

The most recent example is a foresight exercise carried out in Romania in September 2022, with over 160 key stakeholders from business, civic and public ecosystems, with the aim of exploring plausible and preferred climate scenarios for 2030.

The ”Romania 2030 Climate Scenarios” was delivered by the Solutions. team for 2 days at the Government Palace and focused on exploring over 30 scenarios related to climate change in domains like: energy, agriculture, circular economy, climate legislation, and biodiversity, to mention some. A full report of the exercise, including trend analysis, is set to be launched on December 8, 2022.

Examples of Foresight for Communities work include:

Solutions. tools used: Foresight4Cities©, Anticipatory Canvas©, Introduction to Trendwatching.


Foresight for Business